
Here are the schemas used for the manifest files. After each key the required type is noted. Every item is required unless marked as optional. All filepaths must exist and be relative paths to the manifest file.

Tool packages#

name: str
version: str
package_version: str
package_type: 'tool'
dockerfile: str # Filepath
license: str # Filepath
required_datatypes: List[str]
tools: # List
- tool_definition: str # Filepath
  license: str # Filepath. Can be created with `fastrpi create`.
files: # Optional. List
- type: str # Only 'local' is supported
  path: str # Filepath

Network packages#

name: str
package_version: str
package_type: 'network'
network: str # Filepath
license: str # Filepath
required_datatypes: List[str]
tool_packages: # List
- name: str
  version: str
  package_version: str
readme: str # Filepath
cite: List[str]
files: # Optional. List
- type: str # Only 'local' is supported
  path: str # Filepath

Macronode packages#

name: str # Must start with 'macro_'
version: str
package_version: str
package_type: 'macronode'
license: str # Filepath
tools: # List
- tool_definition: str # Filepath
  license: str # Optional. Filepath
files: # Optional. List
- type: str # Only 'local' is supported
  path: str # Filepath